Live Memorial
Karen Kremerman 
A dear woman, our good friend, Karen Kremerman, passed away earlier this year from a serious illness.Karen helped set up the friendship organization of Elem and led it for many years. In her social activism Karen connected between her love for cooking at the Lilit restaurant at Beit Asya, esthetics and social priorities. Several years ago she gave it as a gift to Elem. In her generosity, Karen helped many NGOs, and mainly people. She had a unique social outlook, which was ground-breaking in her initiative and ability to strengthen social goals in Israel.
Karen opened her home and heart to NGO and connected widespread circles into social involvement and action. Karen is a model of a warm Jewish lady who emigrated from the USA to Israel, where she raised her family. Karen became a grandmother only several months before she passed away.
We believe that Karen’s many family members and friends will continue on the path that she paved for them throughout her life. Her heritage and spirit affected, and will continue to throb, in the organizations she supported so intensively and her flag of social needs and equality will fly high amongst those in whom she always believed.
After Karen’s passing, her dear family continued her wonderful work and made a generous donation in her memory to Jewish Projects.
Michael Inden 
Michael Inden (1938 – 2018) was a Mechanical Engineer who emigrated from the USSR to the USA in 1975. He was a very talented and innovative person. Several of his innovations were patented and were implemented in the US industry. Before Michael passed away, he decided to leave behind as a legacy, a generous life gift to help develop Jewish Projects, as a voice of support for Israel and the Jewish People.
Prof. Meir Heth 
Prof. Meir Heth is one of the most respected figures in Israel's banking, financial, and legal circles, and has held top positions in the country's public and private sectors in the course of his long and storied career. Prof. Heth was born in Haifa in 1932 and educated at the Reali School. He holds a Law degree and a PhD in Economics from the Hebrew University, and an LL.M. from Harvard University.
Positions held by Prof. Heth include: Supervisor of the Banks in Israel; Advisor to the Governor, Bank of Israel; Chairman, Tel Aviv Stock Exchange; Chairman, Bank Leumi; Chairman, Teva Pharmaceutical Industries; Chairman, Investment House Psagot Ofek; Vice-Chairman, ICC Israel (Israeli branch of International Chamber of Commerce); and Lecture of Law and Economics at the Hebrew University, Tel Aviv University, and a Prof of Law at the Academic College of Management.
Author of a series of books in the fields of Economics and Banking, Prof. Heth was twice honored, in 1964 and 1970, with Tel Aviv Municipality's Naftali Award for his work.
Prof. Heth and his spouse Rina are lifelong residents of Jerusalem and parents to three grown children.